The Power of Now

I have choice in the now – to be an angel or to be a cow.

I have choice in my now – to laugh and learn or cry and churn

In every moment I have a choice

to shout and blame or hear the still voice.

The voice that calls to the best within,

the love, the light, the smile, the grin.

In every moment I make my place,

I choose and use my state my space.

For I am in charge of my mind and my heart

I’ve long forgotten that loving’s really, a decided art.

For most we live in hurt, fear and gloom

self-inflicted, unfettered thoughts of gloom and doom.

One day I awoke from this painful slumber,

I though I heard God call out my Soul number.

Like a bolt of lightning it struck to my Soul

Happiness, Love and Freedom are my real goal.

So why then do I create this hurt and this pain

Over and over and over and over, again?

Have I been asleep, unconscious and cold

Using and abusing my pain from all old?

We’ll it’s NOW time to awaken to my true life

Nothing means anything – there is no struggle or strife.

It’s all a mind thing – created, all alone by me

I create pain, hurt or freedom or suffering, you see.

So in my NOW, this is what I now choose

I choose love, light, and freedom, and never to snooze.

Never to snooze nor slumber back into the old pain

Never manipulate, nor control for fear or for shame.

I have awoken to my NOW newfound power

I’m in charge of my feelings and responses – hour by hour.

So here is my thought I offer to you on this fine day

Wake up, Wake up, to the Now – come live, love, and play.

Your Soul is ever-present, ever waiting for this day

When you awaken to NOW – and slough your old pain away.

So this is a call to you Souls, one and all

NOW’s the total time we have – lets have a ball.

Let go the past, the judgement, hurt and the blame

Embrace your NOW now, and you’ll never be the same.

Love, light and freedom are your Souls only fare

Thank you for awakening our Now over there.

Now, in the NOW I can reveal to you all

We are the ONE – who is creating it all.

I NOW honour your life and your light.

I too am awake NOW – even in the dead of night.

May your NOW’s be filled with beauty, love and awe

For we all have part of God’s NOW inside of us all.


Tony Dovale – Fiery Tiger