Shades of Friendship
Friends are like flowers in the field of life
We come and go – time cuts like a knife
Some friends are like Roses, so precious inside
But ouch! Your thorns hurt – as you hastily past me glide.
Some friends are like feathers in a mid-summers breeze
One day they’re here, next they’re off to the trees.
Some friends are like rocks in the wild stormy sea
No matter how harsh life’s waves – Steadfast they will be.
Some friends are like the smile of a newborn child
They’re gracious and cheerful with manners so mild.
Some friends are like clouds in the big open sky
They float slowly past, with a glint in their eye.
Some friends are like an angel’s soft touch
You want to be around them – ever so much.
Some friends are like a hound – wildly and on heat
Any chance they’ll get, your body they’ll treat.
Some friends are like ice – so cold to your touch
But deep inside them – they love you so much.
Some friends are like a new judge, always-on-call
No matter what you say – they believe they know it all.
Some friends are like candles in the deepest dark
No matter where they are, they’ll make their mark.
Some friends are like owls – aloof and so cold
By themselves they’ll live – until they’re all old.
Some friends are like a clown on the big colored stage
Their happy masks outside – hiding a sadness & rage.
Some friends are like rain drops on a hot summer’s day
Your presence is glorious and drives the hardship away.
Some friends are like a rainbow in the dead of night
We can’t see your gifts – please come into the light.
Some friends are like priests at the Sunday church meet
Talking and hoping their righteousness we’ll someday meet.
Some friends are like candles on our table of joy
Always present, always bright, just like a new toy.
Some friends love you, other friends hurt you
Some just drop you – Some just bop you.
Some just take what they need
driven by hurt and fear and greed.
Some friends always find the time to say hi
Other friends never even seem to say bye.
Some friends need you, so they can be whole
Others will drain you – they’ll sap out your Soul.
Some times they’ll love you, other times they’ll berate you
But one thing’s for sure – having real friends is delightfully great.
Some friends come, some friends go. Some stay to the end
But then again – I’m not perfect, so thank YOU for being my friend.
Tony Dovale – June 2004