Keynote Speakers: FLAP to FLY with WHY!

1 Minute Wisdom for Transforming Chicken-Choices into Eagle-Encounters and Experiences

South African Keynote Speakers : Tony Dovale

Keynote Abstract: Are your people still scratching around life on the ground with the “chickens” or are they Soaring-with-Eagles? Maybe the chicken is really happy, scratching around, still looking for the secret to flying and freedom… NOT! So what has quality control got to do with this then

Quality control is a vital aspect of each persons’ inner life. The challenge is very few people exercise good quality control in their lives, and this shows up in every aspect of their daily living and experiences. It all comes down to the quality of your Warmware.
Your Warmware… that’s the foundation of your life; Energy, beliefs, perspectives, thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions that creates our results! Our internal Mental Operating Systems and Tools; associated plugins, add-ons and updates that enable us to FLAP to FLY! through life – with Freedom, Love, Abundance and Peace.
So…what’s the quality of your Warmware? Because the quality of our core energy and Mental Operating Systems Tools directly influences and impacts our attitudes, feelings, focus, moods, mindsets, which predisposes us to action.

Life and business are getting more challenging, more competitive and more demanding. Stress levels increase; pressure and business demands ask that we do more with less. Our Warmware… our internal Mental Operating Systems Tools (MOST) are often not coping adequately, and not managing as successfully as possible.

– We have never been taught how to think smartly. We learnt from our parents from a very different time. The quality of our learning was seldom organized effectively with best of breed quality control.
Sources of learning, instruction and experience were many and varied.  Few were designed to take into consideration today’s vastly different environment. The quality of thinking required today is far higher than in the past.
Most people suffer from invisible, unconscious or “possessing” “thought-viruses” that impact every aspect of their lives.  This is why we have such high levels of stress, divorce, anxiety, fear, anger, drug and alcohol misuse, unhappiness, obesity, poverty and discontent.

– Awaken our powers and possibility to reprogramme and upgrading our internal Mental Operating Systems. Install a more effective thought-virus filtering program. Upgrade our old limiting firmware, with a new version 3.0 Warmware update.
Few people actually go through the process of updating their mindsets, beliefs, values; firmware or Warmware, unless an unplanned challenge in life forces them to re-assess, revise and review the quality of their Mental Operating System Tools.
Benefits: Greater consciousness, awareness, Resilience, flexibility and choice. – Happier, healthier, calmer, more peaceful, more focused, more resilient and more effective. Feel Like YES! Today.

This is a BEyond Motivational Speakers Keynote Business Presentation.


Tony Dovale – Business Alchemist, Ai Results Coach, Speaker, Inspirer, Consultant & Catalyst
Mobile 083-447-6300

• “Tony is one on the most provocative presenters and keynote speakers I have encountered in all of my business travels”. – Clive Stacey Business Strategist
• “The presentation was a complete surprise for me and mind blowing.” –Jacques
• “My expectations were totally surpassed” – Jenny
• “Blown away! Could not improve…Thank you!” – Carol
• “In every possible way it touched every point in my life. 10/10. Tony was awesome” Zelda
• The work Tony did was not only life-changing , but also business-changing…Zane OPP