Free Tips to Transform Your Happiness Levels

Happiness Shift News Update

Real Happiness is elusive for many:

So everyone at some time wants to be happier.  We know from extensive happiness at work research, that happy people tend to do things differently.

Happy people focus on, and pay attention to, the things they DO control and lets the rest go.

Happiness researcher…Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness, shares the following insights and tips about how you can choose to become happier at work and home.

 Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success If you love
what you are doing, you will be successful. ~ Albert Schweitzer

As you read through this list,, take some action to evlevate your happiness RIGHT NOW… All yo really have is RIGHT NOW!!

1. Grattitude  (write down 3 tNEW hings at the end of each day that you are grateful for )
Count your blessings. Become more appreciative and aware  aware of the good things in your life and express regular gratitude for what you have. You probalby live in the top 10% of quality of life in thwe planet – but have an attituse as though yo lived i nthe bottom 60%!

2. STOP Comparing (Know that You are UNIQUE.. You cant compare a rose to a sunflower.. Each is totally PERFECT in its own space!!)
or focussing on what you don’t have! Cut down on how often you dwell on your “problems”. Focus on what you DO have, and you CAN DO. The moment you compare .. there will ALWAYS be a faster gun, better looking, wealthiers, luckier person around!

3.  Build Resilience & optimism. Focus on the upside more than the downside. Happiness and positivity are contageus… so surround yourself with happy positive people. Learn to build a resilient internal self-talk. See my other info on building Resilience

4. Do more stuff that excites, inspires you, and brings you more happiness and JOY.. Stretch out of your comfort zone once in a while. Iincrease, what psychologists call, the “FLOW” mind state or experience, where you’re totally absorbed in what you’re doing. Do stuff yo lOVE TO DO!

This Flow State is usually at the intersection of 3 circles –

  • What you LOVE;
  • What you are GOOD at;
  • c.What add MEANING and value to the world and your life.

5. RAK – Random Acts of KINDNESS – regularly engage in random, even anonymous, acts of kindness and appreciation toward friends as well as strangers.  Do it to just do it… not for recognition.

6. Develop and Nurture your relationships. Stop the “Wallpaper” effect from affecting and infecting your life.  STOP taking anything for granted.  Show and focus on your appreciation of, and grattitude for, the people in your life. They’ll be happier and so will you be happier. You could get luckier too;)

7. Savor your life’s joys and highs. Regularly document your highs and joys in life. Go over them, write, or think and talk about them. Focus on happy times and energising your happiness moments.

8. Commit to a Destiny, cause and calling with specific clear goals that will make you happy.  Design at least one significant goal and focus time and effort to pursuing it.  Make sure you enjoy the journey as well as the destination.  BE happy along the way each day.

9. Develop your AQ/Resilience and smarter coping strategies. Regularly be more conscious and enhance your Resilience and positive mindsets. Practice ways to reduces stress (which doesnt really exist. It’s all in your mind :))  CHOOSE to be happy.

“He who won’t forgive, destroys the bridge over which he himslef must pass.”

10. Forgive. Lett go of  the past. Learn the wisdom for past encounters, stop the energy leaks. – Take back your power. Resentment destroys your own mind and heart. It’s like you taking poison – hoping the other fellow will feel it Silly! Get over it!!! NOW make the choice.

11.  Spiritual or religious – Extensive research shows people who are connected to a “higher positive source” – are happier at work and life.

12. Take BETTER Care: Look after your body and mind. Right and healthy foods, regular Exercise, some meditation and lots of laughter works wonders tobring more happiness .


Tony Dovale is a Professional Leadership Speaker and REAL Happiness @work Team building Transformation Facilitator.

Contact Tony Dovale on 083-447-6300 for a keynote talk conference presentation or The Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance  workplace team building workshops.
