Free Motivational & Speaking Books to read

Acres of Diamonds” by Russell ConwellIn the year 1843 a man was born who was to have a profound effect on the lives of millions of people. His name was Russell Herman Conwell. Dr. Conwell raised several million dollars with which he founded Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, today one of the country’s leading schools.

He raised the money by giving more than 6,000 lectures all over the country. And in each one of them, he told the story “Acres of Diamonds.”

It was a true story which had affected him very deeply and it had the same impact on his audiences. Required reading for all motivational speakers!

As A Man Thinketh” by James AllenJames Allen introduces the book like this:

This little volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended, as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written-upon subject of the power of thought.

It is suggestive rather than explanatory, it’s object being to stimulate men and women to the discover of the perception of the truth that:”They themselves are the makers of themselves” by virtue of the thoughts they wish to encourage; that mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.

Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill”Think and Grow Rich” is one of the greatest books ever written on the topic of SUCCESS.Inspired by Andrew Carnegie, it has been cited by many as the “calling card” that propelled countless individuals to fame and fortune.

It has single-handedly changed the lives of millions of men, women and young adults and has left a legacy of achievement that includes many of today’s most successful leaders in business, government and civic organizations.

Another must-read for motivational speakers who want to inspire others – and succeed in their own business ventures as well.

The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles

In 1910, a man called Wallace Wattles wrote a book called “The Science of Getting Rich.” In this book, he outlined a practical prosperity program which anyone could follow no matter their circumstances in life.He surmised that getting rich was not a matter of being smart, because both smart and ignorant people became rich. H

e surmised that it was not a matter of talent, because people with talent and no talent became rich. He surmised that it was not a matter of environment, because everywhere we look we see rich and poor people living side by side.

This info alone will turbo-charge your success and it’s loaded with highly quotable material for any motivational speaker.

How to Be a More Creative Executive” by Joseph Mason

From the table of contents:- Why be creative?
– Creativeness, talent, aptitudes, originality
– How to build your idea fluency and originality
– Uncreative habits—ways to overcome them
– Help yourself to more ideas
– Individual aids to idea production
– When to use creative groups & how to lead them
– Buzz sessions, brainstorming, and operational creativity
– Where most ideas are wasted
– Ways to “sell” your ideas
– What to do after your idea is sold
– Enhancing the creative climate
– How to spot creative potential in others
– The creative executive’s role in planning, evaluating, and coaching
– Do’s and don’ts for the creative leader

Another tremendous resource for motivational speakers who speak to or work with high-level executives inside organizations.

Scientific Advertising” by Claude Hopkins

This is ‘THE’ book recommended by Jeffrey Gitomer, Brian Tracy, Bob Bly, and dozens of other marketing and sales experts!

Written in 1923 by Claude Hopkins, the principles contained within Scientific Advertising have been responsible for untold millions of dollars in online and offline sales and profits.

Many of the ‘gurus’ use the ideas in this book as the foundation of their $495 marketing courses and $5,000 seminars!

Discover how to use psychology in advertising, how to write headlines that “pull” plus much more. No matter where (or how) you advertise, the application of the ideas contained within Scientific Advertising will benefit you for many years to come.

Scientific Advertising contains 21 chapters of timeless copywriting and marketing strategies. Read this book before marketing your next speech, seminar, or training program and you’ll be amazed at your results!

How to Write a Speech” by Edward J. HegartyOut of print for many years, this rare 1951 book is a literal treasure chest of ideas for any motivational speaker.

This is truly a “how-to” book on the planning, writing, and delivery of any speech–be it business, political, social, or personal.

226 pages of comprehensive and detailed advice on the best way to prepare and deliver a speech by sales consultant and expert speaker Edward Hegarty.

The Magic Story” by Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey

An immediate worldwide sensation was created after The Magic Story first made its appearance in 1900 in the original Success Magazine.

After dozens of reprints, it is finally available in eBook form so that you may benefit from its powerful message.It is claimed that many who read or hear this story almost immediately begin to have good fortune.

Some who read this message find it interesting and uplifting while others find this short story (about 20 pages) a revelation in thinking that literally changes their lives.

How this story will affect you is unknown but it is, without question, worth the investment of a few minutes of your time to read and absorb this motivational classic.